The Power of Having Power.

The NFL season has come to a close and there is a lot stories going to be talked about. You have Tom Brady being in the front for MVP, Todd Gurley and the Los Angeles Rams turning it around after being awful last year, and also the Minnesota Vikings being the number 2 seed with a former backup quarterback. There are a bunch of other stories that we can talk about, but there’s one big one in my opinion that’s honestly not getting enough attention.

Roger Goodell most likely single handily ruined the Dallas Cowboys season with his vendetta against their running back Ezekiel Elliott. Elliot was suspended 6 games at the beginning of this NFL season for being charged with domestic violence against his ex girlfriend. The NFL did their investigation into the accusations and came to the conclusion that Elliott should be suspended because of what they found.

As the news came out about what happen that night, and one big then happened. We found out that Elliott wasn’t convicted of any crime. This leads you to believe that he would serve no disciplinary action for this situation because he was never convicted of any crime. People around started saying “If he was black he wouldn’t have gotten suspended.” This could be true, but I don’t believe that race has nothing to do with this certain situation. I believe that Goodell wasn’t to show his power once again as commissioner. If you know the history of this NFL commissioner you would see that his actions are kind of power hungry. He fought a flat ball case for 2 years basically and got Tom Brady suspended for 4 games because of a flag ball. He tried to get four players suspended because they wouldn’t show up to an interview. So as you see he has history of trying to exploit his powers as an league commissioner. I believe that Elliott was just the latest person to get caught by the power hunger surge he is trying to show.

Where would the Dallas Cowboys be if a power hungry commissioner wasn’t on a mission to show his power? We will never know.


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