What's Really Important?

The NFL season has started and it was exciting. People seen their favorite teams play and watched highlights from all the other games. People also noticed something else, Colin Kaepernick still doesn't have a job as an Quarterback in the NFL. People have talked about it all weekend because there were games where a team had person not worth anything playing the position.

Remember the sole reason why Kaepernick isn't on a NFL roster. In the 2016 he decided that the our country's flag didn't stand for what we say it stands for so he sat down in protest during the national anthem before games. In the NFL it's players that commit actual crimes like Greg Hardy who the Cowboys signed after the he was convicted of domestic violence, or even Joe Mixon who the Cincinnati Bengals drafted after he hit a woman on camera. This should make you ask yourself, what's really valued in this world today? People can degrade women by committing violent crimes against them and owners would still hire them, but somebody who stands up....well in this case sits down for what he believes in and for what is right can't be picked up when he's better than most of the backup QB's and actually better than most starters?

It was 2 teams that desperately needed quarterback help if you watched them play or even seen the highlights. The Colts who started Scott Tolzien on Sunday and the 49ers which is the team that Kaepernick left during the offseason. The Colts looked so bad yesterday they played the Rams who aren't that great of a team themselves and they got beat down by them. The score was 46-9 and Tolzien was 9-18 with 2 interceptions and was benched in the second half. The 49ers were led by Brian Hoyer and he was 24-35 which isn't too bad but he still had under 200 yards passing with no Touchdowns and 1 interception. These are clear spots where you can see a decent quarterback is needed and yet still no call to Kapernick for his services.

What I learned from this situation is that people have a cruel way of showing you what matters and what's important in our world today.


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