Who's Really To Blame?

Growing up in the inner city of Los Angeles you see  everything. The drugs, the guns, everything that people talk about from here. The impact it has on our communities around the city is really impactful. You can see it in all the color on color violence around the city.

The young ones that's around 18/19 years old are growing up in it and some of them are falling into the trap that our community set for us. When you walk around Los Angeles you have to be aware of your surroundings because you can always be robbed or murdered right where you're staying at that particular time. I know this because I lived it, I've been robbed and shot at multiple times. As a young child when these things happen to you it just seems to you like well okay it happened to me so I can do it too. This usually where everything goes wrong in the young child's head. That's the point they decide to succumb to the surroundings around them.

This is the problem in our community today in my opinion. We know what's going on in our communities, by 15 maybe earlier you know what's going on around you. It's a decision you make to do what's going on around you or to make a decision to try and be different. In my opinion we can do all the positive things in the community. It still comes down to the decisions that people make.

When the young children and adults do things now people are quick to say something like, "well that's what they grew up in, I'm not surprised". In my opinion that's horrible. People just expect you to do crazy things and break the law because you grew up in the inner city? That's really giving the young people an excuse to do what they do also. About time you're a teenager you know what's going on. People shouldn't be able to just blame the community because people make mistakes and bad judgments. People have to take responsibility for their actions one day right?

We have to hold people accountable and stop giving them easy outs when they mess up.......It's the only people will learn.



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