
As a African American growing up in the inner city of Los Angeles, California I've seen a lot of things in my life time. I've been shot at, robbed, beat up by a group of Latinos at school, or just bullied in general. Growing up like that sheds light on your surroundings quickly and how things work in the inner city.

I graduated from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff in May and while doing that I met a bunch of great people on the way. People that are just amazing and some people that I look up to. Naturally when you graduate from a school you might want to stay there or stay somewhere around there. That's why it hurts to see the shooting at Power Ultra Lounge in Little Rock, Arkansas on Friday night. From the reports I saw at least 17 people were shot. It was probably a bunch of people I knew in there and it hurts to know that innocent people were shot.

It hurts to see this happen in the inner cities around the country. Some people think that this only happens where they are from but it happens around our country daily. We want changes in the world for us but we keep setting ourselves back. We are constantly being negative to each other and this goes way past gun violence, on social media we are negative towards each other, and we constantly bash each other. These are the things we have get better at if we want to improve our status in America.

We already go through what has become the norm in America, minorities going through the worst things. For example the police around the country have been killing African Americans and getting away with it. Studies show if you put that you are White on a job application you have a three times more chances of getting the job as opposed to if you put that you are an minority. These are just examples of things we have to go through in everyday life and when you add on the fact that we deter ourselves in our communities it makes it worse.

I just hope that one day our inner city communities realize that we have to change our communities first, and be an example for the little children in our communities first, before we can make changes. That's the first step we have get started before we can see any drastic changes with the minority people.

For us to change the way things are in the world, we have to start with our communities first.


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